
Spotify test feature discovered via TikTok

A user of TikTok has discovered an AI Playlist feature that is available in the Spotify Library App

Spotify test feature discovered via TikTok
The report, which was published by TechCrunch reported that, "The company (Spotify) confirmed the test to TechCrunch however it did not provide more details on the technology and how it functions and did not promise a specific launch date."

The post seems to show an option for users to type in a text box to enter information, also called"prompts. "prompt," to enable the generative AI to create playlists and listening suggestions.

Although not officially announced, the test could tell of a possible release on this streaming platform of the giant.

Spotify has been busy in the past year, with the analysis of user listening being the main focus. The Company's annually released "Spotify Wrapped" was released recently for subscribers to browse the most popular tracks and tracks from the platform's millions of music tracks.

Spotify invests heavily in AI
The year before, Spotify introduced its Personal DJ feature. This allowed users to access an interactive DJ service that it marketed as a "Dynamic AI voice Platform."

It's unclear whether Spotify intends to link the Personal DJ to the tested feature that was discovered on TikTok however, AI is a major reason for interest to the company. In their February announcement, "Personalization is at the core of our work in Spotify."

In 2023, Spotify announces job cuts for Spotify
Daniel Ek, CEO of Spotify announced this month that the streaming platform was in the process of removing redundant employees.

The Co-Founder and top position holder said this raft of job cuts "is not the equivalent of a retreat; it's a reorientation of the strategic plan."

It remains to be seen whether this investment in automation is related to the reduction in staff, but AI appears to be a big part of Spotify's plans for the future.